
Cima pass rates
Cima pass rates

cima pass rates

You must not copy the mock exam solutions.

cima pass rates

You must complete mock exams 1 to 3 and send them to your allocated marker by the deadlines set out in the course schedule. Failure to complete all of these steps will mean you will not qualify. To qualify for the pass guarantee you need to ensure you complete ALL of the following steps.

cima pass rates

If you still cannot print your document we suggest using a different computer and/or printer in case you are experiencing a hardware issue. We suggest trying to print on a different network.

cima pass rates

If your documents still do not load it may be due to the network you are on. If your document fails to load, try clearing your cache and browser history. Updating to the latest version of flash can help to resolve some people’s printing issues ( download the latest version of flash.) We recommend obtaining access to a computer with at least Windows 7. If you are using Windows XP and a version of Internet Explorer older than 9, we cannot guarantee that printing will be possible. Google Chrome and Firefox are recommended, but other browsers may also work. Updating your browser to the latest version can help your document load more quickly. The option only works with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (not with Firefox or Internet Explorer). This printing option takes you directly to the print preview window. Click on the print icon within the document viewer (NOT the print icon in the browser menu). Wait for all of the pages to load, this can sometimes take a couple of minutes depending on the size of the document (scroll to the last page to ensure that every page loads).ģ. When I started, I realized most people that do this have a whole family and work life apart from their studies and having a tuition provider like Astranti really lightens the load.“ Magdek Wolffġ. Click the “View + Print” link to view the study text.Ģ. The study material is to the point and easy to understand with great interesting real-life examples helping people with busy lives to get a grip on the content in good time. Their materials are at a higher standard than the actual exams (in my opinion) so if you pass their mocks and exam practice kits, you should be fine for the exams. I would definitely not have been able to do this without Astranti. Again with the easy-to-understand and to-the-point materials, I managed to pass all my OT and MCS exams first time. That gave me some confidence to attempt MCS with a baby, toddler and full-time job. With the help of Astranti’s great material, I managed to pass the OT exams as well as OCS first time. “I started with the operational level while pregnant with my son and a 2-year-old daughter and a full-time job.

Cima pass rates